Teaching Library
Tomorrow Is Too Late
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Wu Bongfuture, kong-an, kongan, life, moment, past, past mind, peace, present mind, together action, try
Buddha's Eyes
First Kyol Che
Teachings, UncategorizedNancy Brown Hedgpeth JDPSNchanting, choice, clarity, clearer, compassionate, complaining, dharma, distractions, energetic, focus, functional talking, group, hinder, inconsiderate, intention, interviews, kyol che, limits, meditation, minimized, moment, motivation, movement, natural, openness, ordinary, pain, practice, prostrations, schedule, silence, simplify, sitting, structure, substantial, support, thinking, torturing, usefule, variety, walking, wanting mind, work
Sangha As direction, Sangha as path
Teachings, UncategorizedNancy Brown Hedgpeth JDPSNanimals, Buddha, circles, co-workers, color, communities, consciousness, direction, enlightment, families, function, geese, harmony, interconnected, kindness, minerals, moment, monks, objects, path, plants, rain, respect, sangha, sentient beings, strengths, sun, Three Jewels, vow, waves, weaknesses
Become One
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Dae Kwangbecome one, Buddha, conference, Empty Cloud Gate, flower, gate, gift, hearts, Hui Neng, job in life, meaning, memorial, minds, moment, mountain, originally nothing, post, practice, primary point, reason, suffering, temple, true self, Un Mun, Zen Master Hsu Yun, Zen Master Man Gong
Finding Your Compassion
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Dae Kwangagony, Christ, circumstances, clear emotion, clinging mind, compassion, death, destruction, direction, dislikes, don't know, emotional mind, emotions, enlightenment, heart, history, king, life, likes, lineage, mind, moment, pain, perspectives, philosophy, psychology, purpose, role, security, Seung Sahn, Shakyamuni Buddha, situation, suffering, transience of life, truth function, zen
A Small Fish in a Big Pond
This moment is your teacher
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Wu Bonggrass shoe, hwadu, moment, monk, openness, question, sincerity, stupid, work practice
The pilgrimage to awakening
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Wu Bongasissi, death, die, dying, eclipse, experience, four difficult things, four propositions, funeral, gautama, guchi, hundred negations, impermanence, italy, layman, Maitreya, moment, pang, pilgrims, poland, sun, try mind, zen master an sang
A Special Energy Spot
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Seung Sahnbad karma, death, difference, direction, life, moment, special energy, suffering, true selves, universal energy, world peace, Yin-Yang balance