Teaching Library
Buddha's Birthday 2011 Sangha representatives talks
The Wave of Together Action
Opening Speech for Prague Zen Center
Traveling Zen
Teachings, UncategorizedAdminacceptance, airports, baby-like mind, connect, culture shock, cultures, different, don't know mind, hindrance, independent, intuition, languages, life experiences, open mind, openness, outside situation, practice, relationship, same, sangha, tolerance, tools, train stations, transition, Traveling Zen, true nature, truth, without thinking
Sangha As direction, Sangha as path
Teachings, UncategorizedNancy Brown Hedgpeth JDPSNanimals, Buddha, circles, co-workers, color, communities, consciousness, direction, enlightment, families, function, geese, harmony, interconnected, kindness, minerals, moment, monks, objects, path, plants, rain, respect, sangha, sentient beings, strengths, sun, Three Jewels, vow, waves, weaknesses