Teaching Library
The Mountain is Green and the River is Flowing
My Dharma Speech Is Already Finished
Transmission Dharma Talk
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Bon Soengaction, American layman, Appearing, bubble, changing, Chinese nun, concepts, conditions, delusion, Diamond Sutra, disappearing, dream, function, generation, greed, hatred, ideas, killing, Korean Buddhism, Kye Ryong Sahn, madness, manifestation, phantom, philosophy, racism, relationships, self-centeredness, selfishness, separation, situations, solution, transmission, tribalism, world peace
Inka Speech
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Joeng Hyeanxiety, Buddhism, clear teaching, complete, cultivation, cure, discovery, eagerness, enlightenment, function, fundamental truth, Guidance, happiness, human existence, ignorance, karma, medicine, nature, original clear mind, perseverance, protection, question, sentient beings Mu Mun Kwan, suffering, The Compass of Zen, transformation, true happiness, wisdom, Zen Master Wu Bong
Kong-An Workshop
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Soeng Hyangbelieving in yourself, checking, don't know, function, interviews, kong-ans, relationship, situation, ZMSS teachings
Transmission Speech
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Dae Bongbodhisattva, clarity, compassion, confidence, consciousness, correct way, everything is truth, function, just do it, robot, suffering, sutras, transmission, true way, universal substance
Zen Stick Swallows Universe
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Seung Sahnattention, bad actions, Bodhisattva Action, condition, consciousness, correct job, desire mind, direction, energy, function, I-my-me, karate, martial arts, mistake, pain, pleasure, praise, reason, suffer, tantien practice, true self, universe
Inka Speech
Teachings, UncategorizedDae Won Sunim JDPSactions, attaching, checking, compassion, condition, correct, death, don't know mind, enlightment, function, help, holding, just do it, making, opinion, relationship, sickness, situation, suffering, true substance, vows, wanting, wisdom, world
Trusting In Mind
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Hae Kwangappearances, boundaries, confusion, deep meaning, desires, dharma, differences, disease, distinction, disturbance, dreams, emptiness, enlightenment, entanglements, essence, fault, function, Great Way, heaven and earth, Hsin Hsin Ming, ignorant bind, Illuminates, incomplete, likes or dislikes, Measurements, opposites disappear, original nature, Seng T'san, senses, space, still, thoughts, Trust, truth
Sangha As direction, Sangha as path
Teachings, UncategorizedNancy Brown Hedgpeth JDPSNanimals, Buddha, circles, co-workers, color, communities, consciousness, direction, enlightment, families, function, geese, harmony, interconnected, kindness, minerals, moment, monks, objects, path, plants, rain, respect, sangha, sentient beings, strengths, sun, Three Jewels, vow, waves, weaknesses
How Can You Answer?
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Su Bongaction, army, attack, boundary, Catholics, checking, Communism, compassion, eastern europe, empty-handed, fighting, freedom, function, human being, job, law, Muslims, Orthodox Christians, suffering, view, world's situation
Inka Speech
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Bon Soengadvisor, alive, awake, challenge, concept, condition, death, don't know mind, evident, express, function, fundamental truth, illusion, immortality, necessity, opinions, power, revolutionary, self-centered, situation, suffering, wake up