Karma Is Relentless. Everyone Here Is Buddha. Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Jok UmDecember 15, 2012Buddha, clinging, giving, human beings, I want, karma, Lankavatara Sutra, receiving, rejecting, safe, simple, speech, suffering, words
Why Do a Retreat? medium, Teachings, Uncategorized, videoZen Master Dae BongJune 3, 2011dharma gasoline, don't know, karma, retreat
Volcano, Earthquake, Tsunami, War Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Dae KwangJuly 16, 2007atomic bomb, beneficial result, Buddha nature, change, Chinese medicine, Christianity, compassion, consistent practice, desire, direction, dream, earthquake, emptiness, enlightenment, experience, form, God, guts, happiness, Heart Sutra, heaven, hermitage, hong kong, Hui Neng, human nature, illusions, Indonesia, intention, iraq, Israel, Jesus, karma, Korea, lazy, mahayana, meaning of life, medicine, meditation, Middle-East, misunderstanding, misunderstandings, New York, opinions, Pakistan, philosophical thesis, Plato, pleasures, robot, San Francisco, self-indulgent, Seung Sahn, Singapore, situation, social acceptance, Socrates, solo retreat, Soviet Union, stupid, suffer, techniques, the Just-now Mind, Theravadin, truth, tsunami, University of California, unsatisfactory, volcano, war, Western philosophy, wisdom, Zen Buddhism
Inka Speech Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Joeng HyeAugust 31, 2000anxiety, Buddhism, clear teaching, complete, cultivation, cure, discovery, eagerness, enlightenment, function, fundamental truth, Guidance, happiness, human existence, ignorance, karma, medicine, nature, original clear mind, perseverance, protection, question, sentient beings Mu Mun Kwan, suffering, The Compass of Zen, transformation, true happiness, wisdom, Zen Master Wu Bong
Psychotherapy and Zen Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Bon SoengSeptember 30, 1999analysis, attachment, authenticity, classification, connected, diagnosis, expression, eye-opener, feelings, framework, idea, karma, meditation, mindfulness, pasture, patterns, pay attention, perspectives, present, process, psychology, psychotherapy, relationship, session, shepherd, situation, space, suffering, suzuki roshi, technique, therapist, thoughts, tool, true nature, Workshop, zen
In Search of Neon Nirvana Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Ji HaengMay 31, 1999Alan Watts, ambitions, Boston, catalyst, commitment, compassion, direction, Eastern Philosophy, enlightenment, futility, gift, karma, madness, New Haven Zen Center, Philip Kapleau Roshi, prophetic, self-consciousness, solidity
Why do I have to finish this? Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Su BongDecember 21, 1998action, attainment, characteristic, choice, competition, consciousness, difference, disobeying, effort, enlightenment, fear, game, goal, Great Compassion, Great Love, habit, Heart Sutra, human nature, idea, karma, kong-ans, Kozan Roshi, Kwan Seum Bosal, magic, mantra, New York City, opportunity, parapet, shield, situation, solo retreat, speech, suffering, trouble, try mind, veil
Inka Speech Teachings, UncategorizedPaul Park JDPSNAugust 31, 1998bowing, center, correct function, correct life, eternity, karma, nature, sentient beings, sitting, truth, wisdom
Bomb Enlightenment Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Dae KwangAugust 31, 1998birthplace, bomb, Buddhas, cause and effect, effort, enlightenment, experiences, gift, government, idea, impermanence, karma, Man Gong, mistletoe, Original Mind, patriarchs, Point, post, purity, responsibility, secret, source, suffer, truly free, truth- dilemma
Common Ground Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Dae KwangMay 31, 1998affirmation, awareness, bowing, Buddha nature, chanting, Christian, comfort, concepts, condition, connectedness, contemplation, Cross, denial, encouragement, evil, experience-thoughts, Father Kevin Hunt, fear, generic, God, hymns, images, infinite emptiness, interview, investment, karma, Lectio divina, meditation, psalms, purposes, realization, rebirth, redemption, saints, samsara, Sasaki Roshi, Shunyata, silence, spirituality, suffering, superficial, theistic devotion, thinking, tradition, unknowing, void, warmth