Teaching Library
Transmission Speech by Zen Master Hyon Ja
Psychotherapy and Zen
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Bon Soenganalysis, attachment, authenticity, classification, connected, diagnosis, expression, eye-opener, feelings, framework, idea, karma, meditation, mindfulness, pasture, patterns, pay attention, perspectives, present, process, psychology, psychotherapy, relationship, session, shepherd, situation, space, suffering, suzuki roshi, technique, therapist, thoughts, tool, true nature, Workshop, zen
Finding Your Compassion
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Dae Kwangagony, Christ, circumstances, clear emotion, clinging mind, compassion, death, destruction, direction, dislikes, don't know, emotional mind, emotions, enlightenment, heart, history, king, life, likes, lineage, mind, moment, pain, perspectives, philosophy, psychology, purpose, role, security, Seung Sahn, Shakyamuni Buddha, situation, suffering, transience of life, truth function, zen
A More Direct Route
Teachings, UncategorizedLincoln Rhodes JDPSNalone, benefits, center, checking, clarity, compassion, day-dreaming, disciplined, experience, feed-back, feel better, groups, guaranteed, learn, planet, practicing, relationship, relax, retreats, self-improvement, sitting, sleeping, strong ego, wheel, zen
Head of a Dragon, Tail of a Snake