Teaching Library
Only the Mind that Wants to Help
Stems and Roots
Sangha As direction, Sangha as path
Teachings, UncategorizedNancy Brown Hedgpeth JDPSNanimals, Buddha, circles, co-workers, color, communities, consciousness, direction, enlightment, families, function, geese, harmony, interconnected, kindness, minerals, moment, monks, objects, path, plants, rain, respect, sangha, sentient beings, strengths, sun, Three Jewels, vow, waves, weaknesses
Empty is Clear
Earth, Air, Fire and Water: Repaying the universe
The Rimpoche's Toenails
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Bon Yeonautomatic, awake, belong, clarity, cling, compassionate, completely free, contrived, delusive, enlightenment, everything's perfect, generosity, happiness, harmony, moment-to-moment, openness, opposite, perceive situations, preposterous, real life situation, selfish, smug, trick, undetermined, uneasy
Not Just a Human World