Teaching Library
Strong Faith and Building a Zen Center
Featured Teachings, Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Wu BongBodhidharma, chess, correct direction, direction, Hui Ko, inside work, outside work, test, work, work practice
Money and Buddhism
Teachings, UncategorizedZen Master Dae BongAsia, Buddhism, dana, donate, Korean Buddhism, money, monks, Pai Chang, Theravada, work
First Kyol Che
Teachings, UncategorizedNancy Brown Hedgpeth JDPSNchanting, choice, clarity, clearer, compassionate, complaining, dharma, distractions, energetic, focus, functional talking, group, hinder, inconsiderate, intention, interviews, kyol che, limits, meditation, minimized, moment, motivation, movement, natural, openness, ordinary, pain, practice, prostrations, schedule, silence, simplify, sitting, structure, substantial, support, thinking, torturing, usefule, variety, walking, wanting mind, work
Kill Cow - Get Enlightenment
Inka Speech
Teachings, UncategorizedNancy Brown Hedgpeth JDPSNanger, desire, direction, energy, friends, gates, ignorance, money, nature, place, precepts, relationships, suffering, teachers, time, together, work
Three Steps to the Left, Around the Front of the Car
Inka Speech