The SANGHA Truck


I was driving along the highway the other day (an essential? trip to see my granddaughters), when I suddenly found myself behind a rusty old dump truck. It had SANGHA written in big yellow letters on its back. I thought, wow, what a wonderful teacher! Just imagine what this SANGHA truck has hauled through its many years, never once rejecting unpleasantness, toxicity, and bad smells. Never complaining; always carrying and hauling, through good times and bad times!

Of course I immediately perceived that I must send this truck to the SANGHA!  

We are already perceiving new ways to use our technology to reach out to each other, we’re probably reaching out more to our neighbors and families than ever before. This virus and the environmental crisis will show us new possibilities and help us reach untapped wisdom and compassion. Just as the SANGHA truck needs new tires and an oil change once in a while, we all need to have a Clear Direction and a Great Vow.

Our Great Question and Don’t Know will show us the Way and give us the wisdom and compassion to know how to help, where to haul. Our DUMP originally has no self nature, it is created by our minds alone. KATZ! Rolling along, fear and anxiety left behind.

Bobby (Zen Master Soeng Hyang)