Bone Of Space: Poems By Zen Master Seung Sahn
Zen Master Seung Sahn
This collection captures a master’s thoughts during everyday life—while traveling, talking on the phone, attending a friend’s funeral.

The Compass of Zen
Zen Master Seung Sahn. Compiled and edited by Hyon Gak Sunim.
The Compass of Zen is a simple, exhaustive—and often hilarious—presentation of the essence of Zen by a modern Zen Master of considerable renown. In his many years of teaching throughout the world, the Korean-born Zen Master Seung Sahn has become known for his ability to cut to the heart of Buddhist teaching in a way that is strikingly clear, yet free of esoteric and academic language. In this book, based largely on his talks, he presents the basic teachings of Buddhism and Zen in a way that is wonderfully accessible for beginners—yet so rich with stories, insights, and personal experiences that long-time meditation students will also find it a source of inspiration and a resource for study.

Dropping Ashes On The Buddha: The Teachings Of Zen Master Seung Sahn
Compiled and edited by Stephen Mitchell.
A delightful, irreverent, and often hilarious record of interactions with Western students.

Only Don’t Know: Selected Teaching Letters Of Zen Master Seung Sahn
Here is the inimitable Zen Master Seung Sahn up close and personal—in selections from the correspondence that was one of his primary modes of teaching. Seung Sahn received hundreds of letters per month, each of which he answered personally, and some of the best of which are included here. His frank and funny style, familiar to readers of Dropping Ashes on the Buddha, is seen here in a most intimate form. The beloved Zen master not only answers questions on Zen teaching and practice, but applies an enlightened approach to problems with work, relationships, suffering, and the teacher-student relationship.

Ten Gates: The Kong-an Teaching Of Zen Master Seung Sahn
This book presents the system of ten koans that Zen Master Seung Sahn came to call the “Ten Gates.” These koans represent the basic types one will encounter in any course of study. Each of the ten gates, or koans, is illuminated by actual interchanges between Zen Master Seung Sahn and his students that show what the practice is all about: it is above all a process of coming to trust one’s own wisdom, and of manifesting that wisdom in every koan-like situation life presents us with.

Wanting Enlightenment Is a Big Mistake: Teachings of Zen Master Seung Sahn
A major figure in the transmission of Zen to the West, Zen Master Seung Sahn was known for his powerful teaching style, which was direct, surprising, and often humorous. He taught that Zen is not about achieving a goal, but about acting spontaneously from “don’t-know mind.” It is from this “before-thinking” nature, he taught, that true compassion and the desire to serve others naturally arises. This collection of teaching stories, talks, and spontaneous dialogues with students offers readers a fresh and immediate encounter with one of the great Zen masters of the twentieth century.

The Whole World Is A Single Flower: 365 Kong-ans For Everyday Life
Zen Master Seung Sahn.
The first kong-an collection to include Christian and Taoist kong-ans, together with well-known Japanese kong-ans, previously unknown kong-ans from the Korean Zen Buddhist tradition, and new kong-ans created by Zen Master Seung Sahn. An essential addition to a Zen library, and indispensable to any serious kong-an student.